Nikki Nienhaus, D.C. and Gail Cloud, D.C. are presenting a workshop that marries basic astrology and the tarot to help you learn more about yourself and to learn how to work with the light and shadow sides of your personality. Everyone has parts of themselves which they don’t like. This workshop explains how to use astrology and tarot to integrate our shadow with our light. This is where the alchemy comes into play.
Gail Cloud, D.C. Chiropractic physician since 1988. Certified in astrology by Debra Silverman, Kira Sutherland in Medical Astrology, and Steven Forrest in Evolutionary astrology. Certified and trained by Mark Wolynn in Inherited Family Trauma work. Dr. Cloud looks at the whole person and assists them to be present to themselves and others, in listening to what their bodies are telling them as bodies don’t lie, and in integrating their parts into a whole.
Dr. Nikki has been reading tarot professionally for just over one year. She uses the tarot to find guidance and healing in her work and in her personal life, and offers the same to her clients. Dr. Nikki is also a practicing medium, using the tarot to help the living connect with their loved ones on
the other side. Find her on Facebook and Instagram at Soul Doctor Tarot.
Join us in a four-part workshop beginning Saturday, May 15th through Saturday, June 12th from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. CST. [Dates are: May 15th, May 22nd, June 5th, and June 12th.]
For those who want to work with applying this information, we have a special 3 hour workshop June 26th from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. All sessions will be recorded. If you can’t attend in person, the recording will be available for you. Each is a stand alone session, so you can purchase 1 or all 4.
To attend The Application Workshop on Saturday June 26th, all 4 previous sessions are required. Saturday May 15th: What it means when someone says, what is your sun sign in astrology? What exactly is your sun sign? We will talk about the highlights and lowlights of each sign. We will introduce the tarot card or cards that embody the essence of each sun sign. The purpose is to learn skills to work with your whole self. Saturday May 22nd: Here we will explore the elements involved in both astrology and in tarot, what our innate strengths and weaknesses are, and how to find balance within the four elements: water, air, fire and earth. Saturday June 5th: Exactly what planet is associated with each sun sign, what does that mean and what does that look like? Through tarot and astrology we will learn archetypes to work with those planetary entities and what their energies might mean for you. Saturday June 12th: We will learn what the houses mean in astrology, what they teach us about ourselves and what tarot cards are most comfortable in each house.
The final workshop for those interested in learning to put this information into action: Saturday June 26th: We will take personal examples to show you how we work with our charts and cards. Then with a couple of yours personally. If you are interested in having your own chart and cards done, please send your email, birth info [date, time, place] and name. Learn and come away with:
- Greater understanding of astrology, the Tarot, and yourself
- Validation and appreciation of who you are
- Skills in navigating the terrain of working with your shadow along with your light
- Tools to integrate parts of yourself into a greater whole
Cost: $40 per session [$160 total]. If all 4 sessions are paid in full, the cost is $145, saving you $15. Final Application Session is $50. Purchasing the 5 together in full is $195. Zoom info for the sessions will come after payment. Please go to my website: www.bodypresencing.com/astrology-tarot to register and pay. For questions about registration, payment, sessions please find the contact information for Dr. Gail Cloud and Dr. Nikki Nienhaus at the bottom of this page.
Please bring your birth chart and tarot deck. To access birth chart go to: www.astro.com. Click on free horoscope then on extended chart selection. Under birth date, input your name, time and place of birth. Click that and your birth chart will pop up. If you do not own a deck, please research to find one that resonates with you.
Dr. Nikki will use the Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne, if you’d like to use the same deck.
Dr Gail Cloud: [e-mail] gail@bodypresencing.com [phone] 314-995-9755
Dr. Nikki Nienhaus: [e-mail] nikki.nienhausdc@gmail.com [phone] 636-448-3244